Pioneering Deterministic Wealth is an experimental protocol powering xCORAL — the coin designed to continuously appreciate in value

How xCORAL Works?

Safe havenxCORAL is the elastic-supply rebase currency that always appreciates in value. It’s a perfect place to park your wealth — think Bitcon, but risk- and volatility-free, with no correlation to the rest of the economy
Perpetually rising in valueLiquidity pools with xCORAL are rebased several times per day to ensure price is constantly appreciating. Each rebase drives price higher than it was during the previous rebase. Investing in xCORAL is free of price risks
Amplify your gainsToday’s monetary policies intentionally devalue money, forcing everybody to invest somewhere to keep their savings secured from dilution. xCORAL brings savings back to life

Reinventing Savings

Savings have been fundamentally broken due to inexorable money printing conducted by central banks. Simply holding your hard-earned cash is not working anymore — the modern money is designed in a way that makes it lose its value with an increasing pace.

In an attempt to solve the problems of money, we are presenting a brand new type of asset designed to appreciate in value at a predetermined rate.
Protocol Controlled ValueWe aim to own at least 90% of liquidity pools value, eliminating mercenary capital


Wealth inequality is only becoming larger, and economy as a whole is getting more and more unsustainable. Stock markets and home price indices are at all times high — a result of years of financial deregulation, low interest rates and lavish monetary policies, causing global economies to become overly financialized.
Bringing coordination to investingWe enforce custom behavioral tokenomics designed to prevent bank runs and keep xCORAL appreciating regardless of market conditions

Not A Typical
Rebase Currency

Most rebase currencies do not let you capitalize on their price. The reason is that their rebases affect your personal wallet in addition to liquidity pools, meaning that any potential price appreciation is immediately getting offset by dilution of your holdings.

This is not the case with xCORAL — our rebases only affect the liquidity pools, leaving your wallets intact.